I went to the League of Utah Writers Fall Round-Up a couple of weekends ago, and while there, they had the awards ceremony for their annual writing contest. I'm happy to announce that I did receive an award. I entered a themed short story that I was really quite proud of, especially since I struggle with short stories. I had high hopes for it. Unfortunately, it did not win anything. :( But, I also entered the first chapter of my newest novel, Dazzling Demons . I received a 3rd Honorable Mention for it. Sadly, I was not as excited at the time as I should have been. I mistakenly thought that everyone got an "award," so since I was the 3rd H.M., it just meant I was at the bottom of all the entries. It wasn't until I received nothing for my story that I realized it actually meant something. Of course, it is not as high an award as I would have liked, but it gives me a lot of hope for my writing and my story. I was competing against...
It finally happened. I entered the dark world of blogging. I never understood why anyone would want to know that I woke up, had a bowl of cereal, took a shower, etc. And I still don't understand. But this Blog is different. I was convinced that if I am serious about writing, then I needed to blog about writing. So this blog will be dedicated to the craft of writing in all its various aspects. So join in the fun!