I'm one of those weird writers who doesn't have a bajillion ideas that I'm trying to narrow down to a single workable one. Instead I usually have one idea that I force into a workable one because I have nothing else to choose from, and then when I'm finished with that one, I don't know what else to do. But I'm getting better at hearing the suggestions of my Muse . Since I went to LTUE in February, I've been experimenting with a few things, and I've found my inspiration has come more readily since. So here's what I've learned works for me and my Muse : Let your Muse know you are open for business. Contrary to popular belief, inspiration doesn't just "happen." I've found I have to actively look for ideas, or at least be openly receptive to them, before they start to flow. Acknowledge your Muse's advice. Big and small ideas come to me fairly regularly now, but if I don't write them down, they leave just as ea...
It finally happened. I entered the dark world of blogging. I never understood why anyone would want to know that I woke up, had a bowl of cereal, took a shower, etc. And I still don't understand. But this Blog is different. I was convinced that if I am serious about writing, then I needed to blog about writing. So this blog will be dedicated to the craft of writing in all its various aspects. So join in the fun!